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Keyboard shortcut keys |
windows shortcuts keys
Shift + F10 Key: শর্টকাট মেনু পাওয়ার জন্য ।
F4: এই বাটন ব্যবহার করে আপনার আগের অবস্থায় ঘুরে যেতে পারবেন ।
F5: ওয়ার্ড এ কাজ করার সময়, যদি আপনি আপনার ডকুমেন্টের আলাদা আলাদা পেজে যেতে চান, তাহলে বার বার মাউসে স্ক্রল করে যেতে হবেনা ।
F5 key ব্যবহার করে কেবল পেজ নম্বর দিয়ে দিলেই আপনি আপনার ডকুমেন্টের যেকোনো পেজে যেতে পারবেন ।
Ctrl + shortcut keys
Ctrl + A : ডকুমেন্টের সব টেক্সট (text) সিলেক্ট করার জন্য ।c
Ctrl+B : টেক্সট (text) বোল্ড (bold) করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + C : সিলেক্ট করা টেক্সট কপি করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + E : টেক্সট বা লিখা গুলি মধ্যেখানে আনার জন্য (center alignment)
Ctrl + F : যেকোনো শব্দ বা বাক্য খুজার জন্য ।
Ctrl + I : সিলেক্ট করা টেক্সট italic font style করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + K : আপনার সিলেক্ট করা টেক্সট (text) এ hyperlink (URL web address) বা ওয়েবসাইটের এড্রেস যোগ করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + L : Left alignment বা আপনার লেখা গুলি বামদিকে নিয়ে নেয়ার জন্য ।
Ctrl + N : নতুন word document খোলার জন্য ।
Ctrl + O : আগের থেকে বানানো word file খোলার জন্য ।
Ctrl + S : আপনার বানানো ওয়ার্ড ফাইল সেভ করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + U : টেক্সট বা লেখাতে underline করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + V : কপি করা টেক্সট (text) সহজে পেস্ট (paste) করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + X : যেকোনো সিলেক্ট করা টেক্সট এর অংশ cut করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Z : ওয়ার্ডে কাজ করার সময় যদি কোনো ভুল হয়, তাহলে ও শর্টকাট (shortcut) ব্যবহার করে আবার আগের অবস্থায় যেতে পারবেন ।
Ctrl + Shift + C : Copy formats এর জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + D : যেকোনো টেক্সটে Double underline ব্যবহার করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + F : আপনার লেখনের ফন্ট স্টাইল (Font style) চেঞ্জ বদলানোর জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + H : কিছু লুকোনো (hidden) Text formatting এপলাই করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + L : আপনার লেখনে list style apply করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + P : আপনার টেক্সটের (text) ফন্ট সাইজ (size) বদলানোর জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + S : একটি নতুন স্টাইল এপলাই করার জন্য। (Apply a style).
Ctrl + Home : ডকুমেন্টের একেবারে আরম্ভে (beginning) যাওয়ার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Delete : আপনার লেখনের ডানদিকের একটি শব্দ ডিলিট (delete) করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Backspace : আপনার লেখনের বাঁদিক থেকে একটি শব্দ ডিলিট করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Alt + S : লেখনে Copyright symbol ব্যবহার করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Alt +R : MS Word ডকুমেন্টে Registered trademark symbol ব্যবহার করার জন্য ।
F7 Key : লেখনের স্পেলিং চেক করার জন্য “Spell checker” ফাঙ্কশন ব্যবহার করার জন্য ।
Windows general shortcut keys
Windows key + R : কম্পিউটারে রান (Run) মেনু ওপেন করার জন্য ।
Windows key + E : এই key ব্যবহার করে File explorer খুলতে পারবেন ।
Alt + Tab : কম্পিউটারের খোলা থাকা প্রোগ্রাম (open program) গুলির মধ্যে বাছাই (select) করার জন্য ।
Windows key + Up arrow key : বর্তমান ওপেন থাকা উইন্ডোটি maximize বা full screen করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : কম্পিউটারে task manager খোলার জন্য ।
Windows key + D : খোলা থাকা program / Desktop স্ক্রিন Hide বা Display করার জন্য ।
Ctrl + Esc : কম্পিউটারের স্টার্ট মেনু (start menu) ওপেন করার শর্টকাট ।
Alt + F4 : চালু থাকা এপ্লিকেশন (application) বন্ধ করার শর্টকাট অপশন ।
Alt + Space bar : চালু থাকা application এর menu ওপেন করার জন্য ।
Windows key + Tab : এতে Task view ওপেন হবে ।
F1 : এতে চালু থাকা application এর help menu ওপেন হবে ।
Windows key + Tab : এতে Task view ওপেন হবে ।
Windows key + M : সবধরণের উইন্ডোস স্ক্রিন minimize করার জন্য ।
Windows key + Tab : এতে Task view ওপেন হবে ।
Shift + Windows key +M : ওপরের শর্টকাট ব্যবহার করে minimize করা windows বা screen রিস্টোর (restore) বা আবার ওপেন করার জন্য ।
Windows key + Tab : এতে Task view ওপেন হবে ।
Windows key + Break key = এতে system properties dialog box ওপেন হবে ।
Best browser shortcut keys
Alt +Left arrow : আবার পিছনে যাওয়ার জন্য ।
Alt +Right arrow : আবার আগে যাওয়ার জন্য ।
F5 : পেজ reload করার জন্য ।
F11 : Full screen এবং regular স্ক্রিনের ভেতরে বাছাই করুন ।
ESC : পেজ load হওয়ার থেকে বাধা দিন ।
Ctrl+Shift+Delete : ব্রাউজার হিস্ট্রি (browser history) ডিলিট করার জন্য ।
Ctrl+D : যেকোনো ওয়েবসাইট বুকমার্ক (bookmark) করার শর্টকাট অপশন ।
Ctrl +Shift+B : আগের থেকে bookmark করা site গুলি ডিসপ্লে করার জন্য ।
Ctrl+J : ব্রাউজারের Download window খোলার জন্য ।
Ctrl+N : ব্যবহার করা ব্রাউজার নতুন করে আরেকটা ওপেন করতে পারবেন ।
Ctrl+P : বর্তমানে ওপেন থাকা ওয়েবসাইটের পেজ প্রিন্ট করার জন্য ।
Ctrl+T : নতুন tab ওপেন করতে পারবেন ।
Ctrl+W : ওপেন থাকা ট্যাব বন্ধ করার জন্য ।
Ctrl+Shift+T : বন্ধ করা ট্যাব (tab) আবার পেতে হলে । (Undo closed tab).
Ctrl+Tab : ওপেন করা ট্যাব (tab) গুলিতে জলদি যাওয়ার জন্য । (Move to open tabs).
সবগুলো দেখুন
Tasks can be done easily and quickly by using such shortcut keys.Of course, here are some more keyboard shortcuts:
01. Ctrl + C Copy selected text or items.
02. Ctrl + X Cut selected text or items.
03. Ctrl + V Paste copied/cut text or items.
04. Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
05. Ctrl + Y Redo an action that was undone.
06. Ctrl + A Select all items or text.
07. Ctrl + S Save the current document or file.
08. Ctrl + P Print the current document.
09. Ctrl + F Open the "Find" or "Search" dialog.
10. Ctrl + N Open a new document or window.
11. Ctrl + O Open an existing document or file.
12. Ctrl + W Close the current window or tab.
13. Ctrl + Tab Switch between open tabs or documents.
14. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab.
15. Ctrl + Esc Open the Start Menu (Windows).
16. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access Task Manager or other system options (Windows).
17. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
18. Ctrl + Alt + T Open a terminal window (Linux).
19. Ctrl + Command + Space Open the emoji picker (macOS).
20. Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder (File Explorer, Windows).
21. Alt + Tab Switch between open applications or windows.
22. Alt + F4 Close the active window or application.
23. Windows Key + D Show or hide the desktop (Windows).
24. Windows Key + E Open File Explorer (Windows).
25. Windows Key + L Lock your computer (Windows).
26. Windows Key + R Open the Run dialog (Windows).
27. Ctrl + Shift + V Paste text without formatting (some applications).
28. Ctrl + Plus (+) or Ctrl + Minus (-) Zoom in or out on a webpage or document.
29. Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom to default (100%).
30. Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder (Finder, macOS).
31. Ctrl + , (comma) Open the Preferences menu in many applications (macOS).
32. Ctrl + Shift + Del Open the Clear Browsing Data menu in web browsers.
33. Ctrl + Shift + S Save a webpage (web browsers).
34. Ctrl + Shift + P Open a new private/incognito window (web browsers).
35. Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Select text one word at a time.
36. Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow Select text one paragraph at a time.
37. Ctrl + Backspace Delete the previous word.
38. Ctrl + Home Go to the beginning of a document or page.
39. Ctrl + End Go to the end of a document or page.
40. Ctrl + Alt + Del Access options like Task Manager, Lock, Switch User (Windows).
41. Ctrl + Shift + C Add a comment (in some applications like Microsoft Office).
42. Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new note (some note-taking applications).
43. Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle the bookmarks bar (web browsers).
44. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
45. Ctrl + Shift + U Change selected text to uppercase.
46. Ctrl + Shift + L Change selected text to lowercase.
47. Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo an action that was undone multiple times.
48. Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Select text one word at a time (while extending selection).
49. Ctrl + Shift + Home/End Select text from the current position to the beginning/end of the line.
50. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys Rotate the screen orientation (certain graphics drivers).
51. Alt + F Open the File menu in many applications.
52. Alt + E Open the Edit menu in many applications.
53. Alt + V Open the View menu in many applications.
54. Alt + T Open the Tools menu in many applications.
55. Alt + H Open the Help menu in many applications.
56. Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Find and Replace dialog (some text editors).
57. Ctrl + Shift + J Open the Downloads folder (web browsers).
58. Ctrl + 1/2/3 Switch between tabs or sections (some applications).
59. Windows Key + Number Open or switch to the application on the taskbar (Windows).
60. Windows Key + Arrow Keys Manage window positions and sizes (Windows).
61. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
62. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
63. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
64. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
65. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
66. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
67. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
68. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
69. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
70. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
71. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
72. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
73. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
74. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
75. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Task Manager, Lock, Switch User (Windows).
76. Ctrl + Shift + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
77. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access the Secure Attention Sequence (Windows login screen).
78. Ctrl + Shift + L Lock the computer (some systems).
79. Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder (Finder, macOS).
80. Ctrl + , (comma) Open Preferences (macOS applications).
81. Ctrl + F4 Close the active document or tab within an application.
82. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
83. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Keys Rotate the screen orientation (certain graphics drivers).
84. Ctrl + Shift + S Save a project or document as a new version (some applications).
85. Ctrl + Shift + O Open a file or project (some applications).
86. Ctrl + Shift + E Send an email (some email clients).
87. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
88. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
89. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
90. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
91. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
92. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
93. Ctrl + Shift + R Reply to an email (some email clients).
94. Ctrl + Shift + F3 Change case of selected text to Sentence case.
95. Ctrl + Shift + F7 Spell check selected text or document (some applications).
96. Ctrl + Shift + G Show or hide the grid (some design software).
97. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle between code and preview mode (some code editors).
98. Ctrl + Alt + M Insert a comment (some applications).
99. Ctrl + Shift + L Create a bullet list (some applications).
100. Ctrl + Alt + Esc Open the Task Manager (Linux).
101. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Task Manager, Lock, Switch User (Windows).
102. Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder (Finder, macOS).
103. Ctrl + Shift + J Open the Downloads folder (web browsers).
104. Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Find and Replace dialog (some text editors).
105. Ctrl + Shift + E Send an email (some email clients).
106. Ctrl + Shift + R Reply to an email (some email clients).
107. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
108. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
109. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
110. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
111. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
112. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
113. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
114. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
115. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
116. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
117. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
118. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
119. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
110. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
121. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
122. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
123. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
124. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
125. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
126. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
127. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
128. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
129. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
130. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
131. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
132. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
133. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
134. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
135. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
136. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
137. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
138. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
139. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
130. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
141. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
142. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
143. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
144. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
145. trl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
146. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
147. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
148. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
149. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
150. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
151. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
152. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
153. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
154. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
155. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
156. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
157. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
158. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
159. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
160. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
161. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
162. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
163. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
164. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
165. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
166. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
167. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
168. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
169. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
170. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
171. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
172. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
173. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
174. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
175. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
176. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
177. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
178. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
179. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
170. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
181. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
182. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
183. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
184. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
185. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
186. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
187. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
188. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
189. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
190. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
191. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
192. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
193. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
194. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
195. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
196. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
197. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
198. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
199. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
200. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
201. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
202. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
203. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
204. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
205. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
206. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
207. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
208. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
209. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
210. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
211. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
212. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
213. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
214. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
215. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
216. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
217. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
218. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
219. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
220. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
221. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
222. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
223. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
224. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
225. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
226. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
227. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
228. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
229. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
230. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
231. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
232. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
233. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
234. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
235. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
236. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
237. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
238. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
239. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
240. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
241. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
242. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
243. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
244. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
245. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
246. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
247. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
248. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
249. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
250. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
251. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
252. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
253. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
254. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
255. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
256. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
257. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
258. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
259. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
260. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
251. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
252. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
253. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
254. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
255. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
256. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
257. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
258. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
259. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
260. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
261. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
262. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
263. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
264. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
265. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
266. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
267. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
268. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
269. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
270. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
271. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
272. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
273. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
274. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
275. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
276. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
277. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
278. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
279. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
280. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
281. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
282. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
283. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
284. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
285. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
286. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
287. Ctrl + Shift + 1/2/3 Apply heading styles to text (some applications).
288. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
289. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
290. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
291. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
292. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
293. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
294. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
295. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
296. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
297. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
298. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
299. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
300. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
301. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
302. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
303. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
304. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
305. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
306. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
307. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
308. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
309. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
310. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
311. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
312. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
313. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
314. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
315. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
316. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
317. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
318. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
319. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
320. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
321. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
322. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
323. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
324. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
325. trl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
326. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
327. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
328. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
329. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
330. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
331. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
332. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
333. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
334. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
335. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
336. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
337. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
338. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
339. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
340. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
341. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
342. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
343. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
344. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
345. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
346. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
347. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
348. Ctrl + Alt + M Open a new note (some note-taking applications).
349. Ctrl + Shift + V Paste text without formatting (some applications).
350. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
351. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
352. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
353. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
354. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
355. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
356. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
357. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
358. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
359. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
360. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
361. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
362. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
363. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
364. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
365. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
366. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
367. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
368. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
369. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
370. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
371. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
372. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
373. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
374. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
375. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
376. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
377. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
378. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
379. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
380. Ctrl + Alt + M Open a new note (some note-taking applications).
381. Ctrl + Shift + V Paste text without formatting (some applications).
382. Ctrl + Shift + Tilde (~) Cycle through open windows (Windows).
383. Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager directly (Windows).
384. Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab (web browsers).
385. Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new incognito/private window (web browsers).
386. Ctrl + Shift + Tab Cycle through open tabs in reverse order (web browsers).
387. Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear Browsing Data menu (web browsers).
388. Ctrl + Alt + Delete Access system options like Lock, Switch User (Windows).
389. Ctrl + Shift + ~ Cycle through open windows of an application (macOS).
390. Ctrl + 9 Jump to the last tab (some applications).
391. Ctrl + Shift + W Close the current window with multiple tabs (web browsers).
392. Ctrl + K Open the browser's search box (some web browsers).
393. Ctrl + W Close the current tab (web browsers).
394. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Switch between tabs (web browsers).
395. Ctrl + Shift + P Toggle Presentation Mode (PowerPoint).
396. Ctrl + Alt + S Save As (some applications).
397. Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle uppercase and lowercase (some applications).
398. Ctrl + Shift + F Search for text within a document or project (some applications).
399. Ctrl + Shift + H Replace text within a document or project (some applications).
400. Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a hyperlink (some applications).
401. Ctrl + Alt + P Show or hide the Preview pane (Windows/File Explorer).
402. Ctrl + Alt + N Open a new instance of the current application (some applications).
403. Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a list format (some text editors).
404. Ctrl + Alt + F4 Close all open windows (Windows).
405. Ctrl + Shift + M Open or close the Messaging app (Windows).
406. Ctrl + Alt + I Open Developer Tools (web browsers).
407. Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the computer (Linux).
408. Ctrl + Shift + D Bookmark all open tabs (web browsers).
409. Ctrl + Shift + O Organize bookmarks (web browsers).
410. Ctrl + Shift + F12 Print (some applications).
411. Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the page (web browsers).
412. Ctrl + Shift + Q Log out of the current user account (some applications).
413. Ctrl + Alt + M Open a new note (some note-taking applications).
414. Ctrl + Shift + V Paste text without formatting (some applications).
415. Ctrl + Shift + Tilde (~) Cycle through open windows (Windows).
416. Ctrl + Shift + B Show or hide the bookmarks bar (web browsers).
"কম্পিউটার শর্টকাট কিবোর্ড পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড"
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